Baluchistan Branch
Guides of Baluchistan
With the formation of Pakistan Girl Guides Association in 1947 a separate provincial Guide Branch was organized in the province of Balochistan with the Provincial Commissioner as head of the branch. The branch functioned as an independent unit up to 1954. In 1955 the west wing of Pakistan was integrated into a single unit. As a result the Girl Guides Association of West Pakistan came into being. Provincial branch of Balochistan was given the status of divisional branch under the supervision of divisional Guide Commissioner. In 1972 after the dissolution of one unit the Balochistan Branch was revived with divisional structure according to the new administrative division of the government as listed below:
- Quetta
- Kalat
- Sibi

In Baluchistan, at first the Girl Guides Movement was started in 1921 in Quetta by the wife of Political Agent Mr. Dooras in the Garrison School. Initially few European girls joined this movement. Mrs. Marker received the Basic Guide Training in 1922 and enrolled few Parsi girls, later on Girl Guiding was introduced in Mission, Covent & Cantonment Schools, Quetta. Afterwards Blue Bird Companies were enrolled in Sendeman and Apwa School. By observing the keen interest of Girls it was decided that there must be appropriate place for the training, so that Cantonment Garden was selected for this purpose.
- On 29th October, 1932 the Hut was established by Mrs. Marker, named as AveAbai Hut, this Hut was badly damaged due to the 1935 earthquake, in 1942 it was reconstructed.
- In December, 1947 Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah restarted the Guide Movement and Ms. Fatima Jinnah became the life patron.
- Mrs. Marker was selected the First District Commissioner, under her supervision the movement started its journey in Baluchistan.
- In 1973 Begum Raisani was selected as a President, many camps were organized during her time period.
- In 1975 Dr Ahmad Jan was selected as a President, her dedication towards the movement results in increase the membership of Guides and Guiders.
- Ms. Nusrat Rauf and Ms. Adullah take over the charge of the Trainers which was the basic requirement of the Association at that time.
- In 1980 Begum Raja Ahmad Khan was selected as a President, this year was one of the successor year of the Association.
- In Annual Council meeting of Pakistan Girl Guides Association, the members suggested to organize 7th All Pakistan Camp in Quetta which was approved by the members. Due to the shifting of Begum Raja Ahmad Khan in Karachi Begum Hassan Baloch organized this camp.
- In 1981 before the shifting of Begum Raja Ahmad in Karachi she arranged election for the post of President and Begum Hassan Baloch was selected as a President of Baluchistan Girl Guides Movement. She specified the responsibilities to the Executive members. At that time Trainer was appointed on permanent basis, and Ms. Aziza Rashida was appointed as a General Secretary, she rendered her services till 1989.
- In May 1982 7th All Pakistan Camp was organized, 700 Guides from all over the Pakistan participated in this camp. General Zia-ul- Haq was the Chief Guest, he announced the Gold Medal for the Best Guide for each Province. Best Guide was sent to perform Hajj; fortunately the guide from Quetta won the lucky draw to perform hajj with her father.
- In 1983 Begum Hassan Baloch was awarded by the “Medal of Merit” for her outstanding performance. In the same year 5 Guiders from Quetta, Kalat and Sibi were sent Islamabad for 6 months training.
- In 1985, on the 75th Anniversary of the Movement, many Programme were conducted.
- In 1986, Peron Petal Gold Medal was introduced for Blue Bird (Junior Guide)
- In 1987 the Foundation stone for the Hostel of Guide House was laid by Chief Minister Mr. Jam Ghulam Qadir Khan and donated Rs. 50,000/- Mr. Faridoon Abadan, MPA Baluchistan donated Rs. 3, 95,000/- (Three Lac Ninety Five Thousand) Ms. Bilquees Shahbaz, MNA Baluchistan donated Rs. 200, 000/- (Two lac), and Women Division donated Rs. 625,000/- (Six Lac Twenty Five Thousand) for the construction of Guide Hostel, and that portion was completed in 1990.
- In 1990 Girl Child Seminar was organized, it was inaugurated by Governor of that time and 200 Participants from all over the Pakistan attended the seminar.
- In 1991, 8th All Pakistan Camp was organized in Islamabad, 50 Guiders and Leaders attended.
- In 1992, Trainer’s Training was organized, 40 participants attended, the training was funded by UNICEF.
- In 1992, Baluchistan Girl Guides Association in Collaboration with UNICEF organized 10 days Service Camp in Makran Division. 60 Guides participated in the camp.
- In 1993, at district level, the training for Guiders was organized. Many Camp Craft Trainings were organized in Quetta, Turbat, Kalat, Ziarat and Loralai. 150 Girls attended the training.
- The year of 1994 was named as “AMAN KA SAAL“and many activities, Competitions were conducted on Peace.
- In 1995 “Child Development Project” was started with the financial assistance of P-E-D, the supervisor and C-D-S of the project were selected and trained them.
- In June 1996, National Service Camp was organized in Hanna Urak, (the urban area of Quetta). 35 Senior Guides from all over the Pakistan participated in the camp.
- Universal Children Day was celebrated in collaboration with UNICEF. 350 Guides from Quetta, Mastung and Hanna Urak participated. Prizes were given to the winners of the competition.
- In the Polio Campaign, guiders and Guides participated whole heartily. 1000 children were entertained by Polio Vaccine. According to the Annual practices, Gold Medal and other awards were received by Guiders and Guides for their outstanding performance. Begum G.A Khan Shield was also awarded Twice by National Headquarter to the Lady Sandman High School, Quetta.
- In 1997, in the rural areas of Quetta and Hanna Orak, Health Camps were organized in which thousands of children and their parents were checked by the expert doctors and medicines were provided to them free of cost.