Junior Guides
Age Group
Membership of Junior Guides is open to girls from 6 to 11 years of age
“I promise to do my best to obey Allah Taala and to love Pakistan, to help other people every day especially those at home, and obey the Junior Guide Law.”
“Lend a hand”
Blue sash with white shalwar qameez, white belt, Junior Guide Badge and Black shoes

Guide program is based on a holistic approach to personal development of the girl. Guide Program is based on the development in certian fields of a girl’s life which lead them towards community development.
It offers a wide variety of program based on their interest and hobbies in the form of 33 proficiency badges from 8 different topics. They also participate in outdoor activities and camping on small scale. It provides opportunities:
- To practice, social interaction within a small group called the patrol
- To encourage choosing and decision making
- To learn by doing
- To experience a wide range of activities
- To learn to care about others and respect nature
- A Junior Guide respects her elders.
- A Junior Guide thinks of others before herself.
- A Junior Guide attempts to do a good turn every day.
Enrollment badge, Proficiency badges, Service badge
Lady Hidayatallah shield is awarded annually to a best Junior Guide company of Pakistan for doing a small project based on their motto “Lend a Hand”.