Awards do not only acknowledge success; they recognize many other qualities: ability, struggle, effort and, above all, excellence. It is important to give an award to show that a person’s achievement is appreciated and commended. PGGA confers several awards annually to Guides and members:
Jugnoo Badge
- Should have been a Junior Guide for two Years.
- Should have completed 1 & 2 star activities.
- Should have attended Company Meetings regularly.
- Participated in 1Day Camp & 1 Work Camp.
- Should be neat and clean, obedient and helpful to others.

Lady Hidayatallah Shield
Lady Hidayatallah shield is annually awarded to the best Junior Guide Company for one year work on “Lend a Hand” Project. The conditions to earn the shield are:
- Regular company meetings should be held.
- At least 12 Junior Guides of the company should have completed 3 stars.
- 12 Junior Guides of the company should have earned at least one Proficiency Badge each from 4 groups.
- Company should have participated at least in one Work Camp & one Day Camp.
- Company should have worked on Lend a Hand Project of Junior Guide Program.
- Company should have participated in Guide rallies held locally.
Commendation Certificate
- Should have been a Guide in a company for 2 years or more and should have attended Company Meetings regularly.
- Should have completed two star activities.
- Should have been a Patrol Leader or a 2nd Leader for a Year.
- Should have attended two day camps & two Work Camps. (Day camp can be replaced by National / Provincial or District Canvas camp)
- Should have participated in any Social Service Project of the Association.
Fatima Jinnah Guide Badge
- Nominee of the Fatima Jinnah badge should be a guide having best character and leadership qualities at school level. Should be an honest, sincere, confident and punctual in her daily life. (Attach verification certificate by guider or trainer)
- Should have been enrolled & and active guide for two years.
- Should have Completed 2 star activities and be working on 3 star activities.
- Should have knowledge of life history & achievements of Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah & prepare a scrapbook on Miss Fatima Jinnah using pictures & news cutting.
- Should have earned Commendation Certificate.
- Participated in one of the Social Service Projects of Association.
Note: Her work after receiving the commendation certificate will be considered for the Miss Fatima Jinnah badge.

Jinnah Guide Badge
- Have earned Commendation Certificate.
- Should have been a Guide for 3 years or more.
- Should have been a petrol leader for two years. (Attach petrol book.)
- Should have completed all the 3 star activities.
- Have regularly participated in Company Meetings.
- At least have attended one 4- days Canvas/ Residential/ Day Camp & 2 Work Camps.
- Have served in National Emergency & participated in Social Service Projects.
President Medal
- Should have obtained Jinnah Guide badge
- Should be a member of the Guide Company at the time of Nomination.
- Age should be between 13-16 Years.
- Should have been a Guide for at least 4
- Should have attended at least one 5-Days residential camp.
- Should have earned six proficiency badges other than badges in the 8 point program
- Should have obtained the service badge.
- Specify Hobbies
- Should have participated actively and given service during national emergencies or social service projects wherever organized by the district or country.
- Knows and demonstrates the basics of camp craft i.e. Pitching and striking a tent, care sanitation and cleanliness.
- Marks obtained in the last examination verify by enclosing copy of examination certificate.
Should have participated in the school sports and any one of the activities listed below, spread over a period of one year.
- Qirat/ Naat Khawni
- Debates
- Writing of short stories, poetry or any other form of literature
- Handicrafts, Painting, etc.

Begum G.A. Khan Shield
Begum G.A. Khan Shield is annually awarded to the best Girl Guide Company for the work on any Social Service Project carried out during the current year. The conditions to earn the shield are as under:
- The company should choose a project in which an individual or a group of people can be benefited and the whole company should work under the supervision of Guider.
- Before starting the work on project the District Commissioner should be informed at the beginning of the year so that the provincial headquarters should be intimated accordingly.
- Company should raise funds for the project.
- Account of expenditure with receipts and vouchers and details of the project work along with photographs should be properly maintained.
- District Commissioner should assess the Project Work at least 4 times during the year.
- Company Record Books of the current year including company and Patrol Leaders note books, minutes of patrol Council Meetings, attendance book, log book, Program book, Accounts, Progress book and original program cards of the Girl Guides should be enclosed with the nomination form.
Lady Abdul Qadir Shield
Lady Abdul Qadir Shield is awarded to the best Girl Guide Company for quality of Guiding. The conditions to earn the shield are as under:
- Regular Company Meetings and Leaders Council Meetings should be held During last 2 years:
- 3 star activities to be completed by at least 10 Guides.
- 2 stars to activities be completed by at least 10 Guides.
- At least 10 Guides should have completed 4 proficiency badges each from 4 different groups
- At least 4 Guides should have earned Khidmat Badge.
- At least 6 Guides of the Company should have attended a 7-Days Canvas Camp/ Residential Camp or Service Camp.
- Company should have participated in one of the Social service projects for at least one year or should have rendered service during national emergency.
- Record of the company along with photographs should be properly maintained. Two years company record e.g record books, minutes of company and Patrol Leaders Council Meeting, log book, Program book, Accounts and Progress book of the Guides should be enclosed with the nomination form.
Shama Badge
- Should have been an enrolled Senior Guide for one year.
- Should have completed 2 certificates from 2 different groups.
- Should have participated in a Social Service Project.
- Should have attended a Day Camp & a Work Group.
Commendation Certificate
- Should have been an enrolled Senior Guide for one year.
- Should have completed 2 certificates from 2 different groups.
- Should have participated in a Social Service Project.
- Should have attended a Day Camp & a Work Group.
- Should have been an active member of the S.G council & had helped in the management of company.

Begum Masood Sadiq Shield
Begum Masood Sadiq is annually awarded to Senior Guide Company for Social Work project. The conditions to earn the shield are as under:
- Senior Guide Company having maximum 36 members for 1-year of work done on a Social Service Project.
- Should be a Social Welfare project focusing on social issues, science or education e.g. population welfare, poverty alleviation, women empowerment, promotion of Guiding, cultural heritage, rural development, health & hygiene, environment and drug abuse prevention etc.
- The objective of the project may be achieved through audio visual aids, service camps, and collection of funds, volunteer work in hospitals or through practical research work.
- The company should submit the request along with the outlines of the project during the first quarter of the year. The special committee at district level to monitor the progress of the project confidential.