Objectives of Networking
Pakistan Girl Guides Association strongly believes in networking to mobilize its human and material resources. Networking provides a very effective way to initiate cooperation with other organizations, institutions and individuals, and to promote the image of Guiding and its recognition as largest voluntary organization working for the development of Girls and Young Women in Pakistan. Networking is a mutual process. We must be clear about what we can offer to those organizations with which we can make contact and what they can offer us.
Goal Recognition
To create awareness about the Mission and activities of Pakistan Girl Guides Association among other related organizations.
Highest Potential
To identify what it is you are seeking to achieve, you can now start to think about how to achieve this.
Powerful Organization
To strengthen the organization through a union of organizations working on common goals.
Networking Provides Many Opportunities For Partnership Work
- To find facilitators as resource persons for implementing Guide Program.
- To find partners to host events/activities.
- To receive and disseminate information.
- To exchange good practices.
- To share resources and expertise.
- To promote and publicize the activities and achievements of PGGA.
- To have greater impact in the community through working in partnership.
Networking Opportunities
- Government & NGO meetings
- Use of Websites and E-mail Links
- Circulation of Newsletters & other promotional material
- Local Events
- Community Work
Existing Networks
- Federal and Provincial Ministries of Education, Directorates of Education
- National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
- Ministry of Youth Affairs
- Ministry of Narcotics Control
- National Council of Social Welfare
- NCHD( National Commission for Human Development)
- Police Department
- CRI( Child Resource International)
- Rozan
- Pakistan Collation for Education (PCE)
- International Dianetics Disaster Assist Team
- SPARC (Society for Protection of Rights of the Child)
- PRHN (Pakistan Reproductive Health Network)
- Literacy Resource Centre (Literacy and Non Formal Basic Education)
- Network on Disability (Network on Special Persons)
- Anti – Narcotics
- Women Action Forum (Women Rights, CEDAW)
- Consortium on HIV & AIDS
- Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital(Pink Ribbon Campaign, Breast Cancer Awareness)

- Red Crescent, Civil Defence and other Networks on Emergency Preparedness
- NGO Resource Centre
- Women Resource Centre
- Environment Protection Authority
- UNFPA ( United Nations Population Fund)
- Mass Media and many more …